Source Id |
NCBI (Entrez) Gene Id |
Gene Symbol |
Gene Description |
100503605 |
100503605 |
Hbb-bs |
hemoglobin, beta adult s chain [Sour... |
104184 |
104184 |
Blmh |
bleomycin hydrolase [Source:MGI Symb... |
107589 |
107589 |
Mylk |
myosin, light polypeptide kinase [So... |
109828 |
109828 |
C7 |
complement component 7 [Source:MGI S... |
11459 |
11459 |
Acta1 |
actin alpha 1, skeletal muscle [Sour... |
11475 |
11475 |
Acta2 |
actin alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta ... |
11522 |
11522 |
Adh1 |
alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (class I) [S... |
11600 |
11600 |
Angpt1 |
angiopoietin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
11651 |
11651 |
Akt1 |
thymoma viral proto-oncogene 1 [Sour... |
11749 |
11749 |
Anxa6 |
annexin A6 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MG... |
11848 |
11848 |
Rhoa |
ras homolog family member A [Source:... |
11927 |
11927 |
Atox1 |
antioxidant 1 copper chaperone [Sour... |
12043 |
12043 |
Bcl2 |
B cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 [Source:M... |
12266 |
12266 |
C3 |
complement component 3 [Source:MGI S... |
12282 |
12282 |
Hyou1 |
hypoxia up-regulated 1 [Source:MGI S... |
12301 |
12301 |
Cacybp |
calcyclin binding protein [Source:MG... |
12367 |
12367 |
Casp3 |
caspase 3 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI... |
12540 |
12540 |
Cdc42 |
cell division cycle 42 [Source:MGI S... |
12842 |
12842 |
Col1a1 |
collagen, type I, alpha 1 [Source:MG... |
13649 |
13649 |
Egfr |
epidermal growth factor receptor [So... |
14118 |
14118 |
Fbn1 |
fibrillin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:M... |
14219 |
14219 |
Ccn2 |
cellular communication network facto... |
14268 |
14268 |
Fn1 |
fibronectin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc... |
14432 |
14432 |
Gap43 |
growth associated protein 43 [Source... |
14701 |
14701 |
Gng12 |
guanine nucleotide binding protein (... |
14825 |
14825 |
Cxcl1 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1 [Sour... |
15129 |
100503605 |
Hbb-bs |
hemoglobin, beta adult s chain [Sour... |
15132 |
15132 |
Hbb-bh1 |
hemoglobin Z, beta-like embryonic ch... |
15289 |
15289 |
Hmgb1 |
high mobility group box 1 [Source:MG... |
15511 |
15511 |
Hspa1b |
heat shock protein 1B [Source:MGI Sy... |
16000 |
16000 |
Igf1 |
insulin-like growth factor 1 [Source... |
16176 |
16176 |
Il1b |
interleukin 1 beta [Source:MGI Symbo... |
16193 |
16193 |
Il6 |
interleukin 6 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc... |
16452 |
16452 |
Jak2 |
Janus kinase 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
17126 |
17126 |
Smad2 |
SMAD family member 2 [Source:MGI Sym... |
17127 |
17127 |
Smad3 |
SMAD family member 3 [Source:MGI Sym... |
17130 |
17130 |
Smad6 |
SMAD family member 6 [Source:MGI Sym... |
17131 |
17131 |
Smad7 |
SMAD family member 7 [Source:MGI Sym... |
17215 |
17215 |
Mcm3 |
minichromosome maintenance complex c... |
17216 |
17216 |
Mcm2 |
minichromosome maintenance complex c... |
17217 |
17217 |
Mcm4 |
minichromosome maintenance complex c... |
17218 |
17218 |
Mcm5 |
minichromosome maintenance complex c... |
17219 |
17219 |
Mcm6 |
minichromosome maintenance complex c... |
17220 |
17220 |
Mcm7 |
minichromosome maintenance complex c... |
17345 |
17345 |
Mki67 |
antigen identified by monoclonal ant... |
17387 |
17387 |
Mmp14 |
matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane... |
17392 |
17392 |
Mmp3 |
matrix metallopeptidase 3 [Source:MG... |
17395 |
17395 |
Mmp9 |
matrix metallopeptidase 9 [Source:MG... |
18148 |
18148 |
Npm1 |
nucleophosmin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
18392 |
18392 |
Orc1 |
origin recognition complex, subunit ... |
18393 |
18393 |
Orc2 |
origin recognition complex, subunit ... |
18412 |
18412 |
Sqstm1 |
sequestosome 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
18481 |
18481 |
Pak3 |
p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 3 [Sourc... |
18538 |
18538 |
Pcna |
proliferating cell nuclear antigen [... |
18590 |
18590 |
Pdgfa |
platelet derived growth factor, alph... |
18591 |
18591 |
Pdgfb |
platelet derived growth factor, B po... |
18749 |
18749 |
Prkacb |
protein kinase, cAMP dependent, cata... |
18792 |
18792 |
Plau |
plasminogen activator, urokinase [So... |
18793 |
18793 |
Plaur |
plasminogen activator, urokinase rec... |
18938 |
18938 |
Ppp1r14b |
protein phosphatase 1, regulatory in... |
19225 |
19225 |
Ptgs2 |
prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase ... |
19290 |
19290 |
Pura |
purine rich element binding protein ... |
19325 |
19325 |
Rab10 |
RAB10, member RAS oncogene family [S... |
19353 |
19353 |
Rac1 |
Rac family small GTPase 1 [Source:MG... |
19646 |
19646 |
Rbbp4 |
retinoblastoma binding protein 4, ch... |
19697 |
19697 |
Rela |
v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral on... |
19704 |
19704 |
Upf1 |
UPF1 regulator of nonsense transcrip... |
20302 |
20302 |
Ccl3 |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 3 [Source... |
20303 |
20303 |
Ccl4 |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 4 [Source... |
20304 |
20304 |
Ccl5 |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 [Source... |
20309 |
20309 |
Cxcl15 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 15 [Sou... |
20310 |
20310 |
Cxcl2 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 [Sour... |
20311 |
20311 |
Cxcl5 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 5 [Sour... |
20315 |
20315 |
Cxcl12 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 [Sou... |
20583 |
20583 |
Snai2 |
snail family zinc finger 2 [Source:M... |
20613 |
20613 |
Snai1 |
snail family zinc finger 1 [Source:M... |
20656 |
20656 |
Sod2 |
superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondria... |
20846 |
20846 |
Stat1 |
signal transducer and activator of t... |
20848 |
20848 |
Stat3 |
signal transducer and activator of t... |
21803 |
21803 |
Tgfb1 |
transforming growth factor, beta 1 [... |
21872 |
21872 |
Tjp1 |
tight junction protein 1 [Source:MGI... |
22059 |
22059 |
Trp53 |
transformation related protein 53 [S... |
225326 |
225326 |
Pik3c3 |
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase cataly... |
22589 |
22589 |
Atrx |
ATRX, chromatin remodeler [Source:MG... |
230709 |
230709 |
Zmpste24 |
zinc metallopeptidase, STE24 [Source... |
24099 |
24099 |
Tnfsf13b |
tumor necrosis factor (ligand) super... |
266692 |
266692 |
Cpne1 |
copine I [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:... |
269437 |
269437 |
Plch1 |
phospholipase C, eta 1 [Source:MGI S... |
320011 |
320011 |
Uggt1 |
UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltra... |
50927 |
50927 |
Nasp |
nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein ... |
56045 |
56045 |
Samhd1 |
SAM domain and HD domain, 1 [Source:... |
56208 |
56208 |
Becn1 |
beclin 1, autophagy related [Source:... |
56378 |
56378 |
Arpc3 |
actin related protein 2/3 complex, s... |
56717 |
56717 |
Mtor |
mechanistic target of rapamycin kina... |
66734 |
66734 |
Map1lc3a |
microtubule-associated protein 1 lig... |
66870 |
66870 |
Serbp1 |
serpine1 mRNA binding protein 1 [Sou... |
66922 |
66922 |
Rras2 |
related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene 2... |
67089 |
67089 |
Psmc6 |
proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S ... |
67443 |
67443 |
Map1lc3b |
microtubule-associated protein 1 lig... |
67771 |
67771 |
Arpc5 |
actin related protein 2/3 complex, s... |
76709 |
76709 |
Arpc2 |
actin related protein 2/3 complex, s... |
98415 |
98415 |
Nucks1 |
nuclear casein kinase and cyclin-dep... |