Source Id |
NCBI (Entrez) Gene Id |
Gene Symbol |
Gene Description |
105298 |
105298 |
Epdr1 |
ependymin related 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:... |
110796 |
110796 |
Tshz1 |
teashirt zinc finger family member 1 [Sourc... |
11614 |
11614 |
Nr0b1 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, memb... |
12032 |
12032 |
Bcan |
brevican [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1096385] |
12159 |
12159 |
Bmp4 |
bone morphogenetic protein 4 [Source:MGI Sy... |
12416 |
12416 |
Cbx2 |
chromobox 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:88289] |
12795 |
12795 |
Plk3 |
polo like kinase 3 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:M... |
12822 |
12822 |
Col18a1 |
collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1 [Source:MGI S... |
13626 |
13626 |
Eed |
embryonic ectoderm development [Source:MGI ... |
13797 |
13797 |
Emx2 |
empty spiracles homeobox 2 [Source:MGI Symb... |
13865 |
13865 |
Nr2f1 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, memb... |
14183 |
14183 |
Fgfr2 |
fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 [Source... |
14184 |
14184 |
Fgfr3 |
fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 [Source... |
14199 |
14199 |
Fhl1 |
four and a half LIM domains 1 [Source:MGI S... |
14371 |
14371 |
Fzd9 |
frizzled class receptor 9 [Source:MGI Symbo... |
16842 |
16842 |
Lef1 |
lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 [Source:... |
16870 |
16870 |
Lhx2 |
LIM homeobox protein 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
170753 |
170753 |
Zfp704 |
zinc finger protein 704 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
17748 |
17748 |
Mt1 |
metallothionein 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MG... |
17863 |
17863 |
Myb |
myeloblastosis oncogene [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
18019 |
18019 |
Nfatc2 |
nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytopl... |
18227 |
18227 |
Nr4a2 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, memb... |
18230 |
18230 |
Nxn |
nucleoredoxin [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:10... |
18481 |
18481 |
Pak3 |
p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 3 [Source:MGI S... |
18569 |
18569 |
Pdcd4 |
programmed cell death 4 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
19212 |
19212 |
Pter |
phosphotriesterase related [Source:MGI Symb... |
192216 |
192216 |
Tmem47 |
transmembrane protein 47 [Source:MGI Symbol... |
20378 |
20378 |
Frzb |
frizzled-related protein [Source:MGI Symbol... |
20602 |
20602 |
Ncor2 |
nuclear receptor co-repressor 2 [Source:MGI... |
208890 |
208890 |
Slc26a7 |
solute carrier family 26, member 7 [Source:... |
210789 |
210789 |
Tbc1d4 |
TBC1 domain family, member 4 [Source:MGI Sy... |
214899 |
214899 |
Kdm5a |
lysine demethylase 5A [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
21808 |
21808 |
Tgfb2 |
transforming growth factor, beta 2 [Source:... |
21815 |
21815 |
Tgif1 |
TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1 [Source:MGI ... |
21885 |
21885 |
Tle1 |
transducin-like enhancer of split 1 [Source... |
22341 |
22341 |
Vegfc |
vascular endothelial growth factor C [Sourc... |
23882 |
23882 |
Gadd45g |
growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible 45 g... |
320790 |
320790 |
Chd7 |
chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7... |
52615 |
52615 |
Suz12 |
SUZ12 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit... |
67896 |
67896 |
Ccdc80 |
coiled-coil domain containing 80 [Source:MG... |
71137 |
71137 |
Rfx4 |
regulatory factor X, 4 (influences HLA clas... |
71436 |
71436 |
Flrt3 |
fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane prot... |
72895 |
72895 |
Setd5 |
SET domain containing 5 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
73181 |
73181 |
Nfatc4 |
nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytopl... |
93742 |
93742 |
Pard3 |
par-3 family cell polarity regulator [Sourc... |