Source Id |
NCBI (Entrez) Gene Id |
Gene Symbol |
Gene Description |
100102 |
100102 |
Pcsk9 |
proprotein convertase subtilisi... |
100503659 |
100503659 |
Cbarp |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
100986 |
100986 |
Akap9 |
A kinase anchor protein 9 [Sour... |
101118 |
101118 |
Tmem168 |
transmembrane protein 168 [Sour... |
102637511 |
102637511 |
Strit1 |
small transmembrane regulator o... |
103988 |
103988 |
Gck |
glucokinase [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
105243 |
105243 |
Slc9a3 |
solute carrier family 9 (sodium... |
105722 |
105722 |
Ano6 |
anoctamin 6 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
107589 |
107589 |
Mylk |
myosin, light polypeptide kinas... |
108017 |
108017 |
Fxyd4 |
FXYD domain-containing ion tran... |
108058 |
108058 |
Camk2d |
calcium/calmodulin-dependent pr... |
108072 |
108072 |
Grm6 |
glutamate receptor, metabotropi... |
108737 |
108737 |
Oxsr1 |
oxidative-stress responsive 1 [... |
109305 |
109305 |
Orai1 |
ORAI calcium release-activated ... |
109552 |
109552 |
Sri |
sorcin [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:M... |
109676 |
109676 |
Ank2 |
ankyrin 2, brain [Source:MGI Sy... |
110213 |
110213 |
Tmbim6 |
transmembrane BAX inhibitor mot... |
110784 |
110784 |
Nr3c2 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 3, g... |
11350 |
11350 |
Abl1 |
c-abl oncogene 1, non-receptor ... |
114141 |
114141 |
Cldn16 |
claudin 16 [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
11421 |
11421 |
Ace |
angiotensin I converting enzyme... |
11472 |
11472 |
Actn2 |
actinin alpha 2 [Source:MGI Sym... |
114774 |
114774 |
Pawr |
PRKC, apoptosis, WT1, regulator... |
11516 |
11516 |
Adcyap1 |
adenylate cyclase activating po... |
11517 |
11517 |
Adcyap1r1 |
adenylate cyclase activating po... |
11539 |
11539 |
Adora1 |
adenosine A1 receptor [Source:M... |
11540 |
11540 |
Adora2a |
adenosine A2a receptor [Source:... |
11554 |
11554 |
Adrb1 |
adrenergic receptor, beta 1 [So... |
11555 |
11555 |
Adrb2 |
adrenergic receptor, beta 2 [So... |
11603 |
11603 |
Agrn |
agrin [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MG... |
11606 |
11606 |
Agt |
angiotensinogen [Source:MGI Sym... |
11607 |
11607 |
Agtr1a |
angiotensin II receptor, type 1... |
11622 |
11622 |
Ahr |
aryl-hydrocarbon receptor [Sour... |
11651 |
11651 |
Akt1 |
thymoma viral proto-oncogene 1 ... |
11652 |
11652 |
Akt2 |
thymoma viral proto-oncogene 2 ... |
116873 |
116873 |
Stim2 |
stromal interaction molecule 2 ... |
11735 |
11735 |
Ank3 |
ankyrin 3, epithelial [Source:M... |
11793 |
11793 |
Atg5 |
autophagy related 5 [Source:MGI... |
11827 |
11827 |
Aqp2 |
aquaporin 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
11840 |
11840 |
Arf1 |
ADP-ribosylation factor 1 [Sour... |
118454 |
118454 |
Gjc2 |
gap junction protein, gamma 2 [... |
11848 |
11848 |
Rhoa |
ras homolog family member A [So... |
11911 |
11911 |
Atf4 |
activating transcription factor... |
11928 |
11928 |
Atp1a1 |
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, al... |
11931 |
11931 |
Atp1b1 |
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, be... |
11932 |
11932 |
Atp1b2 |
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, be... |
11933 |
11933 |
Atp1b3 |
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, be... |
11936 |
11936 |
Fxyd2 |
FXYD domain-containing ion tran... |
11941 |
11941 |
Atp2b2 |
ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plas... |
11977 |
11977 |
Atp7a |
ATPase, Cu++ transporting, alph... |
12010 |
12010 |
B2m |
beta-2 microglobulin [Source:MG... |
12018 |
12018 |
Bak1 |
BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 [Sourc... |
12028 |
12028 |
Bax |
BCL2-associated X protein [Sour... |
12043 |
12043 |
Bcl2 |
B cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 [Sou... |
12061 |
12061 |
Bdkrb1 |
bradykinin receptor, beta 1 [So... |
12159 |
12159 |
Bmp4 |
bone morphogenetic protein 4 [S... |
12257 |
12257 |
Tspo |
translocator protein [Source:MG... |
12287 |
12287 |
Cacna1b |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12288 |
12288 |
Cacna1c |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12289 |
12289 |
Cacna1d |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12291 |
12291 |
Cacna1g |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12293 |
12293 |
Cacna2d1 |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12295 |
12295 |
Cacnb1 |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12296 |
12296 |
Cacnb2 |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12297 |
12297 |
Cacnb3 |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12298 |
12298 |
Cacnb4 |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12299 |
12299 |
Cacng1 |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
12313 |
12313 |
Calm1 |
calmodulin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol... |
12314 |
12314 |
Calm2 |
calmodulin 2 [Source:MGI Symbol... |
12315 |
12315 |
Calm3 |
calmodulin 3 [Source:MGI Symbol... |
12322 |
12322 |
Camk2a |
calcium/calmodulin-dependent pr... |
12335 |
12335 |
Capn3 |
calpain 3 [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
12361 |
12361 |
Cask |
calcium/calmodulin dependent se... |
12372 |
12372 |
Casq1 |
calsequestrin 1 [Source:MGI Sym... |
12373 |
12373 |
Casq2 |
calsequestrin 2 [Source:MGI Sym... |
12374 |
12374 |
Casr |
calcium-sensing receptor [Sourc... |
12387 |
12387 |
Ctnnb1 |
catenin beta 1 [Source:MGI Symb... |
12389 |
12389 |
Cav1 |
caveolin 1, caveolae protein [S... |
12391 |
12391 |
Cav3 |
caveolin 3 [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
12425 |
12425 |
Cckar |
cholecystokinin A receptor [Sou... |
12478 |
12478 |
Cd19 |
CD19 antigen [Source:MGI Symbol... |
12482 |
12482 |
Ms4a1 |
membrane-spanning 4-domains, su... |
12504 |
12504 |
Cd4 |
CD4 antigen [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
12512 |
12512 |
Cd63 |
CD63 antigen [Source:MGI Symbol... |
12523 |
12523 |
Cd84 |
CD84 antigen [Source:MGI Symbol... |
12721 |
12721 |
Coro1a |
coronin, actin binding protein ... |
12766 |
12766 |
Cxcr3 |
C-X-C motif chemokine receptor ... |
12767 |
12767 |
Cxcr4 |
C-X-C motif chemokine receptor ... |
12768 |
12768 |
Ccr1 |
C-C motif chemokine receptor 1 ... |
12770 |
12770 |
Ccr1l1 |
C-C motif chemokine receptor 1 ... |
12805 |
12805 |
Cntn1 |
contactin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
12913 |
12913 |
Creb3 |
cAMP responsive element binding... |
12918 |
12918 |
Crh |
corticotropin releasing hormone... |
12922 |
12922 |
Crhr2 |
corticotropin releasing hormone... |
13057 |
13057 |
Cyba |
cytochrome b-245, alpha polypep... |
13167 |
13167 |
Dbi |
diazepam binding inhibitor [Sou... |
13367 |
13367 |
Diaph1 |
diaphanous related formin 1 [So... |
13383 |
13383 |
Dlg1 |
discs large MAGUK scaffold prot... |
13400 |
13400 |
Dmpk |
dystrophia myotonica-protein ki... |
13405 |
13405 |
Dmd |
dystrophin, muscular dystrophy ... |
13409 |
13409 |
Tmc1 |
transmembrane channel-like gene... |
13483 |
13483 |
Dpp6 |
dipeptidylpeptidase 6 [Source:M... |
13488 |
13488 |
Drd1 |
dopamine receptor D1 [Source:MG... |
13489 |
13489 |
Drd2 |
dopamine receptor D2 [Source:MG... |
13490 |
13490 |
Drd3 |
dopamine receptor D3 [Source:MG... |
13491 |
13491 |
Drd4 |
dopamine receptor D4 [Source:MG... |
13616 |
13616 |
Edn3 |
endothelin 3 [Source:MGI Symbol... |
13617 |
13617 |
Ednra |
endothelin receptor type A [Sou... |
13645 |
13645 |
Egf |
epidermal growth factor [Source... |
13856 |
13856 |
Epo |
erythropoietin [Source:MGI Symb... |
140492 |
140492 |
Kcnn2 |
potassium intermediate/small co... |
14061 |
14061 |
F2 |
coagulation factor II [Source:M... |
14062 |
14062 |
F2r |
coagulation factor II thrombin ... |
14065 |
14065 |
F2rl3 |
F2R like thrombin or trypsin re... |
14126 |
14126 |
Ms4a2 |
membrane-spanning 4-domains, su... |
14166 |
14166 |
Fgf11 |
fibroblast growth factor 11 [So... |
14167 |
14167 |
Fgf12 |
fibroblast growth factor 12 [So... |
14168 |
14168 |
Fgf13 |
fibroblast growth factor 13 [So... |
14169 |
14169 |
Fgf14 |
fibroblast growth factor 14 [So... |
14199 |
14199 |
Fhl1 |
four and a half LIM domains 1 [... |
14225 |
14225 |
Fkbp1a |
FK506 binding protein 1a [Sourc... |
14226 |
14226 |
Fkbp1b |
FK506 binding protein 1b [Sourc... |
14360 |
14360 |
Fyn |
Fyn proto-oncogene [Source:MGI ... |
14380 |
14380 |
G6pd2 |
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogena... |
14381 |
14381 |
G6pdx |
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogena... |
14419 |
14419 |
Gal |
galanin and GMAP prepropeptide ... |
14428 |
14428 |
Galr2 |
galanin receptor 2 [Source:MGI ... |
14467 |
14467 |
Nipsnap2 |
nipsnap homolog 2 [Source:MGI S... |
14526 |
14526 |
Gcg |
glucagon [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc... |
14579 |
14579 |
Gem |
GTP binding protein overexpress... |
14609 |
14609 |
Gja1 |
gap junction protein, alpha 1 [... |
14652 |
14652 |
Glp1r |
glucagon-like peptide 1 recepto... |
14678 |
14678 |
Gnai2 |
G protein subunit alpha i2 [Sou... |
14681 |
14681 |
Gnao1 |
guanine nucleotide binding prot... |
14682 |
14682 |
Gnaq |
guanine nucleotide binding prot... |
14683 |
14683 |
Gnas |
GNAS complex locus [Source:MGI ... |
14693 |
14693 |
Gnb2 |
guanine nucleotide binding prot... |
14697 |
14697 |
Gnb5 |
guanine nucleotide binding prot... |
14810 |
14810 |
Grin1 |
glutamate receptor, ionotropic,... |
14825 |
14825 |
Cxcl1 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1 ... |
14873 |
14873 |
Gsto1 |
glutathione S-transferase omega... |
15114 |
15114 |
Hap1 |
huntingtin-associated protein 1... |
15170 |
15170 |
Ptpn6 |
protein tyrosine phosphatase, n... |
15171 |
15171 |
Hcrt |
hypocretin [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
15194 |
15194 |
Htt |
huntingtin [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
15205 |
15205 |
Hes1 |
hes family bHLH transcription f... |
15216 |
15216 |
Hfe |
homeostatic iron regulator [Sou... |
15444 |
15444 |
Hpca |
hippocalcin [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
15464 |
15464 |
Hrc |
histidine rich calcium binding ... |
15493 |
15493 |
Hsd3b2 |
hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydro... |
15494 |
15494 |
Hsd3b3 |
hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydro... |
15497 |
15497 |
Hsd3b6 |
hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydro... |
15512 |
15512 |
Hspa2 |
heat shock protein 2 [Source:MG... |
15558 |
15558 |
Htr2a |
5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)... |
15894 |
15894 |
Icam1 |
intercellular adhesion molecule... |
15945 |
15945 |
Cxcl10 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10... |
15978 |
15978 |
Ifng |
interferon gamma [Source:MGI Sy... |
16000 |
16000 |
Igf1 |
insulin-like growth factor 1 [S... |
16150 |
16150 |
Ikbkb |
inhibitor of kappaB kinase beta... |
16163 |
16163 |
Il13 |
interleukin 13 [Source:MGI Symb... |
16170 |
16170 |
Il16 |
interleukin 16 [Source:MGI Symb... |
16392 |
16392 |
Isl1 |
ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/... |
16412 |
16412 |
Itgb1 |
integrin beta 1 (fibronectin re... |
16416 |
16416 |
Itgb3 |
integrin beta 3 [Source:MGI Sym... |
16438 |
16438 |
Itpr1 |
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate re... |
16453 |
16453 |
Jak3 |
Janus kinase 3 [Source:MGI Symb... |
16493 |
16493 |
Kcna5 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
16497 |
16497 |
Kcnab1 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
16498 |
16498 |
Kcnab2 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
16499 |
16499 |
Kcnab3 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
16502 |
16502 |
Kcnc1 |
potassium voltage gated channel... |
16509 |
16509 |
Kcne1 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
16511 |
16511 |
Kcnh2 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
16518 |
16518 |
Kcnj2 |
potassium inwardly-rectifying c... |
16533 |
16533 |
Kcnmb1 |
potassium large conductance cal... |
16535 |
16535 |
Kcnq1 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
16538 |
16538 |
Kcns1 |
K+ voltage-gated channel, subfa... |
16539 |
16539 |
Kcns2 |
K+ voltage-gated channel, subfa... |
16573 |
16573 |
Kif5b |
kinesin family member 5B [Sourc... |
16819 |
16819 |
Lcn2 |
lipocalin 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
16854 |
16854 |
Lgals3 |
lectin, galactose binding, solu... |
16867 |
16867 |
Lhcgr |
luteinizing hormone/choriogonad... |
170483 |
170483 |
Grin3b |
glutamate receptor, ionotropic,... |
170756 |
170756 |
Slc8b1 |
solute carrier family 8 (sodium... |
17096 |
17096 |
Lyn |
LYN proto-oncogene, Src family ... |
17178 |
17178 |
Fxyd3 |
FXYD domain-containing ion tran... |
17329 |
17329 |
Cxcl9 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 9 ... |
17691 |
17691 |
Sik1 |
salt inducible kinase 1 [Source... |
17846 |
17846 |
Commd1 |
COMM domain containing 1 [Sourc... |
17918 |
17918 |
Myo5a |
myosin VA [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
17999 |
17999 |
Nedd4 |
neural precursor cell expressed... |
18021 |
18021 |
Nfatc3 |
nuclear factor of activated T c... |
18049 |
18049 |
Ngf |
nerve growth factor [Source:MGI... |
18091 |
18091 |
Nkx2-5 |
NK2 homeobox 5 [Source:MGI Symb... |
18125 |
18125 |
Nos1 |
nitric oxide synthase 1, neuron... |
18127 |
18127 |
Nos3 |
nitric oxide synthase 3, endoth... |
18216 |
18216 |
Ntsr1 |
neurotensin receptor 1 [Source:... |
18301 |
18301 |
Fxyd5 |
FXYD domain-containing ion tran... |
18386 |
18386 |
Oprd1 |
opioid receptor, delta 1 [Sourc... |
18387 |
18387 |
Oprk1 |
opioid receptor, kappa 1 [Sourc... |
18436 |
18436 |
P2rx1 |
purinergic receptor P2X, ligand... |
18438 |
18438 |
P2rx4 |
purinergic receptor P2X, ligand... |
18439 |
18439 |
P2rx7 |
purinergic receptor P2X, ligand... |
18578 |
18578 |
Pde4b |
phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP spec... |
18591 |
18591 |
Pdgfb |
platelet derived growth factor,... |
18596 |
18596 |
Pdgfrb |
platelet derived growth factor ... |
18626 |
18626 |
Per1 |
period circadian clock 1 [Sourc... |
18704 |
18704 |
Pik3c2a |
phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphat... |
18754 |
18754 |
Prkce |
protein kinase C, epsilon [Sour... |
18760 |
18760 |
Prkd1 |
protein kinase D1 [Source:MGI S... |
18764 |
18764 |
Pkd2 |
polycystin 2, transient recepto... |
18787 |
18787 |
Serpine1 |
serine (or cysteine) peptidase ... |
18795 |
18795 |
Plcb1 |
phospholipase C, beta 1 [Source... |
18798 |
18798 |
Plcb4 |
phospholipase C, beta 4 [Source... |
18803 |
18803 |
Plcg1 |
phospholipase C, gamma 1 [Sourc... |
18821 |
18821 |
Pln |
phospholamban [Source:MGI Symbo... |
18823 |
18823 |
Plp1 |
proteolipid protein (myelin) 1 ... |
18843 |
18843 |
Bpifa1 |
BPI fold containing family A, m... |
18854 |
18854 |
Pml |
promyelocytic leukemia [Source:... |
19055 |
19055 |
Ppp3ca |
protein phosphatase 3, catalyti... |
19056 |
19056 |
Ppp3cb |
protein phosphatase 3, catalyti... |
19057 |
19057 |
Ppp3cc |
protein phosphatase 3, catalyti... |
19058 |
19058 |
Ppp3r1 |
protein phosphatase 3, regulato... |
19059 |
19059 |
Ppp3r2 |
protein phosphatase 3, regulato... |
19062 |
19062 |
Inpp5k |
inositol polyphosphate 5-phosph... |
19122 |
19122 |
Prnp |
prion protein [Source:MGI Symbo... |
19165 |
19165 |
Psen2 |
presenilin 2 [Source:MGI Symbol... |
192140 |
192140 |
Tmc2 |
transmembrane channel-like gene... |
192176 |
192176 |
Flna |
filamin, alpha [Source:MGI Symb... |
19218 |
19218 |
Ptger3 |
prostaglandin E receptor 3 (sub... |
19225 |
19225 |
Ptgs2 |
prostaglandin-endoperoxide synt... |
19229 |
19229 |
Ptk2b |
PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 ... |
19260 |
19260 |
Ptpn22 |
protein tyrosine phosphatase, n... |
19674 |
19674 |
Rcvrn |
recoverin [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
19700 |
19700 |
Rem1 |
rad and gem related GTP binding... |
19720 |
19720 |
Trim27 |
tripartite motif-containing 27 ... |
19736 |
19736 |
Rgs4 |
regulator of G-protein signalin... |
19739 |
19739 |
Rgs9 |
regulator of G-protein signalin... |
20191 |
20191 |
Ryr2 |
ryanodine receptor 2, cardiac [... |
20266 |
20266 |
Scn1b |
sodium channel, voltage-gated, ... |
20271 |
20271 |
Scn5a |
sodium channel, voltage-gated, ... |
20277 |
20277 |
Scnn1b |
sodium channel, nonvoltage-gate... |
20304 |
20304 |
Ccl5 |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 [S... |
20312 |
20312 |
Cx3cl1 |
C-X3-C motif chemokine ligand 1... |
20315 |
20315 |
Cxcl12 |
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12... |
20393 |
20393 |
Sgk1 |
serum/glucocorticoid regulated ... |
20530 |
20530 |
Slc31a2 |
solute carrier family 31, membe... |
20541 |
20541 |
Slc8a1 |
solute carrier family 8 (sodium... |
20544 |
20544 |
Slc9a1 |
solute carrier family 9 (sodium... |
20617 |
20617 |
Snca |
synuclein, alpha [Source:MGI Sy... |
20648 |
20648 |
Snta1 |
syntrophin, acidic 1 [Source:MG... |
20720 |
20720 |
Serpine2 |
serine (or cysteine) peptidase ... |
20730 |
20730 |
Spink1 |
serine peptidase inhibitor, Kaz... |
207911 |
207911 |
Mchr1 |
melanin-concentrating hormone r... |
20840 |
20840 |
Stac |
src homology three (SH3) and cy... |
20855 |
20855 |
Stc1 |
stanniocalcin 1 [Source:MGI Sym... |
20856 |
20856 |
Stc2 |
stanniocalcin 2 [Source:MGI Sym... |
20866 |
20866 |
Stim1 |
stromal interaction molecule 1 ... |
20927 |
20927 |
Abcc8 |
ATP-binding cassette, sub-famil... |
20928 |
20928 |
Abcc9 |
ATP-binding cassette, sub-famil... |
210148 |
210148 |
Slc30a6 |
solute carrier family 30 (zinc ... |
211482 |
211482 |
Efhb |
EF hand domain family, member B... |
213573 |
213573 |
Cracr2b |
calcium release activated chann... |
214585 |
214585 |
Spg11 |
SPG11, spatacsin vesicle traffi... |
215748 |
215748 |
Cnksr3 |
Cnksr family member 3 [Source:M... |
216869 |
216869 |
Arrb2 |
arrestin, beta 2 [Source:MGI Sy... |
217154 |
217154 |
Stac2 |
SH3 and cysteine rich domain 2 ... |
21803 |
21803 |
Tgfb1 |
transforming growth factor, bet... |
21808 |
21808 |
Tgfb2 |
transforming growth factor, bet... |
21838 |
21838 |
Thy1 |
thymus cell antigen 1, theta [S... |
22041 |
22041 |
Trf |
transferrin [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
22063 |
22063 |
Trpc1 |
transient receptor potential ca... |
22065 |
22065 |
Trpc3 |
transient receptor potential ca... |
22066 |
22066 |
Trpc4 |
transient receptor potential ca... |
22068 |
22068 |
Trpc6 |
transient receptor potential ca... |
22218 |
22218 |
Sumo1 |
small ubiquitin-like modifier 1... |
22226 |
22226 |
Ucn |
urocortin [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
22333 |
22333 |
Vdac1 |
voltage-dependent anion channel... |
22337 |
22337 |
Vdr |
vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitami... |
22353 |
22353 |
Vip |
vasoactive intestinal polypepti... |
22368 |
22368 |
Trpv2 |
transient receptor potential ca... |
223864 |
223864 |
Rapgef3 |
Rap guanine nucleotide exchange... |
22393 |
22393 |
Wfs1 |
wolframin ER transmembrane glyc... |
225055 |
225055 |
Fbxo11 |
F-box protein 11 [Source:MGI Sy... |
225865 |
225865 |
Catsper1 |
cation channel, sperm associate... |
22627 |
22627 |
Ywhae |
tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/trypto... |
22629 |
22629 |
Ywhah |
tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/trypto... |
227618 |
227618 |
Lrrc26 |
leucine rich repeat containing ... |
22782 |
22782 |
Slc30a1 |
solute carrier family 30 (zinc ... |
228071 |
228071 |
Sestd1 |
SEC14 and spectrin domains 1 [S... |
229709 |
229709 |
Ahcyl1 |
S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolas... |
229715 |
229715 |
Amigo1 |
adhesion molecule with Ig like ... |
230899 |
230899 |
Nppa |
natriuretic peptide type A [Sou... |
232341 |
232341 |
Wnk1 |
WNK lysine deficient protein ki... |
232801 |
232801 |
Lilra5 |
leukocyte immunoglobulin-like r... |
233081 |
233081 |
Ffar1 |
free fatty acid receptor 1 [Sou... |
234779 |
234779 |
Plcg2 |
phospholipase C, gamma 2 [Sourc... |
235281 |
235281 |
Scn3b |
sodium channel, voltage-gated, ... |
237611 |
237611 |
Stac3 |
SH3 and cysteine rich domain 3 ... |
23796 |
23796 |
Aplnr |
apelin receptor [Source:MGI Sym... |
23797 |
23797 |
Akt3 |
thymoma viral proto-oncogene 3 ... |
238161 |
238161 |
Akap6 |
A kinase anchor protein 6 [Sour... |
238276 |
238276 |
Akap5 |
A kinase anchor protein 5 [Sour... |
238871 |
238871 |
Pde4d |
phosphodiesterase 4D, cAMP spec... |
23925 |
23925 |
Kel |
Kell blood group [Source:MGI Sy... |
23967 |
23967 |
Osr1 |
odd-skipped related transcripti... |
24012 |
24012 |
Rgs7 |
regulator of G protein signalin... |
240899 |
240899 |
Lrrc52 |
leucine rich repeat containing ... |
24115 |
24115 |
Best1 |
bestrophin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol... |
241528 |
241528 |
Lrrc55 |
leucine rich repeat containing ... |
241556 |
241556 |
Tspan18 |
tetraspanin 18 [Source:MGI Symb... |
242735 |
242735 |
Lrrc38 |
leucine rich repeat containing ... |
246133 |
246133 |
Kcne2 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
246198 |
246198 |
Mllt6 |
myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-linea... |
246317 |
246317 |
Neto1 |
neuropilin (NRP) and tolloid (T... |
246788 |
246788 |
Trpv3 |
transient receptor potential ca... |
26556 |
26556 |
Homer1 |
homer scaffolding protein 1 [So... |
26557 |
26557 |
Homer2 |
homer scaffolding protein 2 [So... |
26558 |
26558 |
Homer3 |
homer scaffolding protein 3 [So... |
268345 |
268345 |
Kcnc2 |
potassium voltage gated channel... |
26903 |
26903 |
Dysf |
dysferlin [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
269109 |
269109 |
Dpp10 |
dipeptidylpeptidase 10 [Source:... |
26941 |
26941 |
Nherf1 |
NHERF family PDZ scaffold prote... |
269513 |
269513 |
Nkain3 |
Na+/K+ transporting ATPase inte... |
269587 |
269587 |
Epb41 |
erythrocyte membrane protein ba... |
279561 |
279561 |
Wnk3 |
WNK lysine deficient protein ki... |
30948 |
30948 |
Bin1 |
bridging integrator 1 [Source:M... |
30955 |
30955 |
Pik3cg |
phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bispho... |
317757 |
317757 |
Gimap5 |
GTPase, IMAP family member 5 [S... |
319239 |
319239 |
Npsr1 |
neuropeptide S receptor 1 [Sour... |
319984 |
319984 |
Jph4 |
junctophilin 4 [Source:MGI Symb... |
320790 |
320790 |
Chd7 |
chromodomain helicase DNA bindi... |
328424 |
328424 |
Kcnrg |
potassium channel regulator [So... |
329152 |
329152 |
Hecw2 |
HECT, C2 and WW domain containi... |
329693 |
329693 |
Fcrl5 |
Fc receptor-like 5 [Source:MGI ... |
333433 |
333433 |
Gpd1l |
glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogen... |
381290 |
381290 |
Atp2b4 |
ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plas... |
381812 |
381812 |
Cracr2a |
calcium release activated chann... |
381925 |
381925 |
Plpp4 |
phospholipid phosphatase 4 [Sou... |
399548 |
399548 |
Scn4b |
sodium channel, type IV, beta [... |
432442 |
432442 |
Akap7 |
A kinase anchor protein 7 [Sour... |
432450 |
432450 |
Nkain2 |
Na+/K+ transporting ATPase inte... |
433294 |
433294 |
Mettl21c |
methyltransferase 21C, AARS1 ly... |
433809 |
433809 |
Rnf207 |
ring finger protein 207 [Source... |
52076 |
52076 |
Tmem38b |
transmembrane protein 38B [Sour... |
53376 |
53376 |
Usp2 |
ubiquitin specific peptidase 2 ... |
53416 |
53416 |
Stk39 |
serine/threonine kinase 39 [Sou... |
54378 |
54378 |
Cacng6 |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
545622 |
545622 |
Ptpn3 |
protein tyrosine phosphatase, n... |
546134 |
546134 |
Gramd2a |
GRAM domain containing 2A [Sour... |
54652 |
54652 |
Cacna1f |
calcium channel, voltage-depend... |
56066 |
56066 |
Cxcl11 |
chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand ... |
56085 |
56085 |
Ubqln1 |
ubiquilin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
56188 |
56188 |
Fxyd1 |
FXYD domain-containing ion tran... |
56379 |
56379 |
Kcnj1 |
potassium inwardly-rectifying c... |
56398 |
56398 |
Chp1 |
calcineurin-like EF hand protei... |
56437 |
56437 |
Rrad |
Ras-related associated with dia... |
56461 |
56461 |
Kcnip3 |
Kv channel interacting protein ... |
56632 |
56632 |
Sphk2 |
sphingosine kinase 2 [Source:MG... |
57340 |
57340 |
Jph3 |
junctophilin 3 [Source:MGI Symb... |
57440 |
57440 |
Ehd3 |
EH-domain containing 3 [Source:... |
57442 |
57442 |
Kcne3 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
57780 |
57780 |
Fxyd7 |
FXYD domain-containing ion tran... |
57785 |
57785 |
Rangrf |
RAN guanine nucleotide release ... |
57814 |
57814 |
Kcne4 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
57816 |
57816 |
Tesc |
tescalcin [Source:MGI Symbol;Ac... |
58237 |
58237 |
Nkain4 |
Na+/K+ transporting ATPase inte... |
58799 |
58799 |
Crbn |
cereblon [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc... |
59091 |
59091 |
Jph2 |
junctophilin 2 [Source:MGI Symb... |
59095 |
59095 |
Fxyd6 |
FXYD domain-containing ion tran... |
64095 |
64095 |
Gpr35 |
G protein-coupled receptor 35 [... |
65086 |
65086 |
Lpar3 |
lysophosphatidic acid receptor ... |
65973 |
65973 |
Asph |
aspartate-beta-hydroxylase [Sou... |
66109 |
66109 |
Tspan13 |
tetraspanin 13 [Source:MGI Symb... |
66240 |
66240 |
Kcne5 |
potassium voltage-gated channel... |
66383 |
66383 |
Iscu |
iron-sulfur cluster assembly en... |
66395 |
66395 |
Ahnak |
AHNAK nucleoprotein [Source:MGI... |
66402 |
66402 |
Sln |
sarcolipin [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
66438 |
66438 |
Hamp2 |
hepcidin antimicrobial peptide ... |
666279 |
666279 |
Dspp |
dentin sialophosphoprotein [Sou... |
66894 |
66894 |
Wwp2 |
WW domain containing E3 ubiquit... |
67135 |
67135 |
Bpifa5 |
BPI fold containing family A, m... |
67149 |
67149 |
Nkain1 |
Na+/K+ transporting ATPase inte... |
67704 |
67704 |
1810037I17Rik |
RIKEN cDNA 1810037I17 gene [Sou... |
67887 |
67887 |
Saraf |
store-operated calcium entry-as... |
67972 |
67972 |
Atp2b1 |
ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plas... |
68312 |
68312 |
Gstm7 |
glutathione S-transferase, mu 7... |
68460 |
68460 |
Dhrs7c |
dehydrogenase/reductase 7C [Sou... |
68528 |
68528 |
Smim6 |
small integral membrane protein... |
68795 |
68795 |
Ubr3 |
ubiquitin protein ligase E3 com... |
68949 |
68949 |
Zfas1 |
zinc finger, NFX1-type containi... |
69047 |
69047 |
Atp2c2 |
ATPase, Ca++ transporting, type... |
69179 |
69179 |
Stimate |
STIM activating enhancer [Sourc... |
69301 |
69301 |
Tescl |
tescalcin-like [Source:MGI Symb... |
69563 |
69563 |
Mrln |
myoregulin [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
69810 |
69810 |
Clec4b1 |
C-type lectin domain family 4, ... |
69847 |
69847 |
Wnk4 |
WNK lysine deficient protein ki... |
70261 |
70261 |
Chp2 |
calcineurin-like EF hand protei... |
70357 |
70357 |
Kcnip1 |
Kv channel-interacting protein ... |
70405 |
70405 |
Calml3 |
calmodulin-like 3 [Source:MGI S... |
70839 |
70839 |
P2ry12 |
purinergic receptor P2Y, G-prot... |
71111 |
71111 |
Gpr39 |
G protein-coupled receptor 39 [... |
71912 |
71912 |
Jsrp1 |
junctional sarcoplasmic reticul... |
72699 |
72699 |
Lime1 |
Lck interacting transmembrane a... |
72736 |
72736 |
Tmx1 |
thioredoxin-related transmembra... |
72821 |
72821 |
Scn2b |
sodium channel, voltage-gated, ... |
72828 |
72828 |
Ubash3b |
ubiquitin associated and SH3 do... |
73389 |
73389 |
Hbp1 |
high mobility group box transcr... |
74166 |
74166 |
Tmem38a |
transmembrane protein 38A [Sour... |
74777 |
74777 |
Selenon |
selenoprotein N [Source:MGI Sym... |
75607 |
75607 |
Wnk2 |
WNK lysine deficient protein ki... |
75785 |
75785 |
Klhl24 |
kelch-like 24 [Source:MGI Symbo... |
75909 |
75909 |
Vmp1 |
vacuole membrane protein 1 [Sou... |
76055 |
76055 |
Oga |
O-GlcNAcase [Source:MGI Symbol;... |
76560 |
76560 |
Prss8 |
serine protease 8 (prostasin) [... |
76757 |
76757 |
Trdn |
triadin [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:... |
76854 |
76854 |
Gper1 |
G protein-coupled estrogen rece... |
78688 |
78688 |
Nol3 |
nucleolar protein 3 (apoptosis ... |
80297 |
80297 |
Sptbn4 |
spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic... |
80334 |
80334 |
Kcnip4 |
Kv channel interacting protein ... |
80708 |
80708 |
Pacsin3 |
protein kinase C and casein kin... |
80795 |
80795 |
Selenok |
selenoprotein K [Source:MGI Sym... |
80906 |
80906 |
Kcnip2 |
Kv channel-interacting protein ... |
80982 |
80982 |
Cemip |
cell migration inducing protein... |
81897 |
81897 |
Tlr9 |
toll-like receptor 9 [Source:MG... |
83408 |
83408 |
Gimap3 |
GTPase, IMAP family member 3 [S... |
83433 |
83433 |
Trem2 |
triggering receptor expressed o... |
83814 |
83814 |
Nedd4l |
neural precursor cell expressed... |
83997 |
83997 |
Slmap |
sarcolemma associated protein [... |
84506 |
84506 |
Hamp |
hepcidin antimicrobial peptide ... |
94045 |
94045 |
P2rx5 |
purinergic receptor P2X, ligand... |
94253 |
94253 |
Hecw1 |
HECT, C2 and WW domain containi... |
98660 |
98660 |
Atp1a2 |
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, al... |