Source Id |
NCBI (Entrez) Gene Id |
Gene Symbol |
Gene Description |
100042493 |
100042493 |
Ccl21b |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 21B (leuc... |
100504239 |
100504239 |
Ccl21e |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 21E [Sour... |
100504346 |
100504346 |
Ccl21f |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 21F [Sour... |
100862177 |
100862177 |
Ccl21d |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 21D [Sour... |
104252 |
104252 |
Cdc42ep2 |
CDC42 effector protein 2 [Source:MGI... |
104445 |
104445 |
Cdc42ep1 |
CDC42 effector protein 1 [Source:MGI... |
105855 |
105855 |
Nckap1l |
NCK associated protein 1 like [Sourc... |
108100 |
108100 |
Baiap2 |
brain-specific angiogenesis inhibito... |
11687 |
11687 |
Alox15 |
arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase [Source... |
11845 |
11845 |
Arf6 |
ADP-ribosylation factor 6 [Source:MG... |
11848 |
11848 |
Rhoa |
ras homolog family member A [Source:... |
12985 |
12985 |
Csf3 |
colony stimulating factor 3 (granulo... |
13043 |
13043 |
Cttn |
cortactin [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI... |
13383 |
13383 |
Dlg1 |
discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 1... |
14026 |
14026 |
Evl |
Ena-vasodilator stimulated phosphopr... |
14158 |
14158 |
Fer |
FER tyrosine kinase [Source:MGI Symb... |
14260 |
14260 |
Fmn1 |
formin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:... |
14784 |
14784 |
Grb2 |
growth factor receptor bound protein... |
15894 |
15894 |
Icam1 |
intercellular adhesion molecule 1 [S... |
170643 |
170643 |
Kirrel1 |
kirre like nephrin family adhesion m... |
17913 |
17913 |
Myo1c |
myosin IC [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI... |
17973 |
17973 |
Nck1 |
non-catalytic region of tyrosine kin... |
17974 |
17974 |
Nck2 |
non-catalytic region of tyrosine kin... |
18643 |
18643 |
Pfn1 |
profilin 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MG... |
18645 |
18645 |
Pfn2 |
profilin 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MG... |
18754 |
18754 |
Prkce |
protein kinase C, epsilon [Source:MG... |
18829 |
18829 |
Ccl21a |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 21 (serin... |
19229 |
19229 |
Ptk2b |
PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta ... |
19353 |
19353 |
Rac1 |
Rac family small GTPase 1 [Source:MG... |
20292 |
20292 |
Ccl11 |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 11 [Sourc... |
207278 |
207278 |
Fchsd2 |
FCH and double SH3 domains 2 [Source... |
207495 |
207495 |
Baiap2l2 |
BAI1-associated protein 2-like 2 [So... |
22323 |
22323 |
Vasp |
vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotei... |
234695 |
234695 |
Carmil2 |
capping protein regulator and myosin... |
23963 |
23963 |
Tenm1 |
teneurin transmembrane protein 1 [So... |
260409 |
260409 |
Cdc42ep3 |
CDC42 effector protein 3 [Source:MGI... |
26401 |
26401 |
Map3k1 |
mitogen-activated protein kinase kin... |
30948 |
30948 |
Bin1 |
bridging integrator 1 [Source:MGI Sy... |
319262 |
319262 |
Fchsd1 |
FCH and double SH3 domains 1 [Source... |
320827 |
320827 |
Cracd |
capping protein inhibiting regulator... |
50884 |
50884 |
Nckap1 |
NCK-associated protein 1 [Source:MGI... |
541307 |
541307 |
Ccl26 |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 26 [Sourc... |
54631 |
54631 |
Nphs1 |
nephrosis 1, nephrin [Source:MGI Sym... |
56221 |
56221 |
Ccl24 |
C-C motif chemokine ligand 24 [Sourc... |
56699 |
56699 |
Cdc42ep4 |
CDC42 effector protein 4 [Source:MGI... |
56716 |
56716 |
Mlst8 |
MTOR associated protein, LST8 homolo... |
56717 |
56717 |
Mtor |
mechanistic target of rapamycin kina... |
58804 |
58804 |
Cdc42ep5 |
CDC42 effector protein 5 [Source:MGI... |
623781 |
623781 |
Gm14137 |
predicted gene 14137 [Source:MGI Sym... |
66616 |
66616 |
Snx9 |
sorting nexin 9 [Source:MGI Symbol;A... |
66824 |
66824 |
Pycard |
PYD and CARD domain containing [Sour... |
66898 |
66898 |
Baiap2l1 |
BAI1-associated protein 2-like 1 [So... |
67384 |
67384 |
Bag4 |
BCL2-associated athanogene 4 [Source... |
68732 |
68732 |
Carmil1 |
capping protein regulator and myosin... |
74117 |
74117 |
Actr3 |
ARP3 actin-related protein 3 [Source... |
76709 |
76709 |
Arpc2 |
actin related protein 2/3 complex, s... |
78757 |
78757 |
Rictor |
RPTOR independent companion of MTOR,... |
93677 |
93677 |
Lmod2 |
leiomodin 2 (cardiac) [Source:MGI Sy... |
93689 |
93689 |
Lmod1 |
leiomodin 1 (smooth muscle) [Source:... |