View Gene Families for chr2q37

The following table provides a functional overview of the MSigDB gene sets by categorizing their genes into a small number of carefully chosen "gene families". To categorize the genes in a gene set, use the gene set page or the Investigate Gene Sets page.

Click on a gene family or gene family intersection to retrieve annotations for those genes.

  cytokines and growth factors
transcription factors
homeodomain proteins
cell differentiation markers
protein kinases
translocated cancer genes
tumor suppressors
tumor suppressors
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
translocated cancer genes
0 0 0 0 0 1
protein kinases
0 0 0 0 2
cell differentiation markers
0 0 0 1
homeodomain proteins
0 1
transcription factors
0 5
cytokines and growth factors

Members of these "gene families" share a common feature such as homology or biochemical activity. They do not necessarily have common origins. The source of each "gene family" definition follows below.

Links to source publications in PubMed