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The Molecular Signatures Databases (MSigDB) contains gene sets from various sources. This web site is designed to help you find gene sets and explore their annotations to gain further insight into the biology behind the gene sets: CollectionsMSigDB gene sets are divided into collections based on their source and content. The Collections page describes each collection. From this page:
Gene setsAlphabetical list of gene sets and gene set collections. From the Browse Gene Sets page:
Gene set pageEach gene set is fully described by a gene set page, which includes its collection, source species, contributor, and associated PubMedID (if any). To display a gene set page, find the gene set and click its name. From a gene set page:
SearchFind gene sets by keyword, gene set name, collection, organism, or contributor. From this page:
InvestigateTo gain further insight into the biology behind the gene set:
If you have questions or comments, please contact us: groups.google.com/group/gsea-help. |